The Sketchbooks of George Grosz

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Individual Artists

The Sketchbooks of George Grosz Details

Grosz's childhood drawings, cariatures, satirical art, sketches of people, street scenes, landscapes, nude studies. Complete summary catalogue of all extant sketchbooks on the witty, humane observer and former Berlin Dada activist. Distributed by Woodstocker Books.


When I first bought this book it was lower in price than the present price.Many of the sketchbooks are of scenes in New York...the subway ,the street.Grosz was an enthusuastic drawer.Many are in pencil...Sometimes a little color..Like Reginald Marsh he used the pocket sketchbook extensively. This book is better than the Reginald Marsh book of his sketches. It shows the different type of sketchbooks he used.Marsh used practically the same books throughout his career.The skizzenbuchs here cover the years from 1909 until 1958. The text will tell you how he used his sketches for particular works. His style changed from 1912 until the time of the Weimar republic. His early work wasn't biting, that came in after he served in WW 1...I have the (facsimile)sketchbooks of Stuart Davis it is interesting to look at both artists Davis made sketches of Manhattan ,the signs, the elevated etc.Grosz did some of this as well but, he always stuck to the figure. Some of the stick figures appear here. He used watercolor, ink wash,in his books.There is documentation in the back of the book..size,subjects ,description of each sketchbook,techniques. There are essays here of Grosz scholars. Such as Mary Beth Lewis who has written insightfuly of George Grosz.I have a lot of books and catalogues on Grosz and this book is one of the most valuable.If you find the present political situation deplorable ,you will find inspiration in Grosz and this book in particular.

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